Using and Buying Domains Part 1
December 2, 2015
Alphabet Daily Domain Report for Tuesday, December 2, 2015 with some very interesting registration numbers.
.com registrations totaled 154,975 with 81,821 removed for a net gain of 73,154 #domains … That is #awesome #excitingtimes #ibelieve
.net registrations totaled 16,744 with 10,770 removed for a net gain of 5,974 #domains … That is #awesome #excitingtimes #sales #ibelieve
.org registrations totaled 8,165 with 5,592 removed for a net gain of 2,573 #domains … That is #awesome #excitingtimes #sales #ibelieve
.info registrations totaled 14,231 with 3,810 removed for a net gain of 10,421 #domains … That is #awesome #excitingtimes #sales #ibelieve
.biz registrations totaled 18,113 with 5,508 removed for a net gain of 12,605 #domains … That is #awesome #excitingtimes #sales #ibelieve
.us registrations totaled 1,841 with 1,778 removed for a net gain of 63 #domains … That is #awesome #excitingtimes #sales #ibelieve
.xyz registrations totaled 19,652 with 1,556 removed for a net gain of 18,096 #domains … That is #awesome #excitingtimes #sales #ibelieve
Other #interestingfacts about these #domains are for a Tuesday report … more on those #domainsales #domaininvesting #domainers
When we encouraged communities to @getDotClub we needed to do the same and we did … Future clubs & communities are on the way. Have you?
If you secured .club domains on Tuesday, you were part of the 3,411 registrations … welcome to the .club world of future clubs online …
Speaking of being online … if you secured a dot online domain on Tuesday, you were part of the 1,598 who made a get .online statement…
Getting online means you have a site online … 1,739 dot site domains made a clear statement in their web address. Do you have a .site? …
Getting a .loan is going to be easier to recognize online when you see an address with dot loan. 1,930 .loan domain owners know .loan’s hot!
Dot bid owners know making a bid is better using a .bid domain. So they registered 809 domains yesterday! Make your bid with a .bid domain..
Tuesday saw 261,445 domains registered for the top 50 extensions we follow. Get your preferred domain today … before someone else does!
When we say, “before someone else does” … that is literally a true statement… #TooLate was the #answer when they tried yesterday…
Today’s message is this, either secure your preferred domain today for a few dollars or secure it tomorrow for a “fist full of dollars”.
Either secure your preferred domain today for a few dollars or secure it tomorrow for a fist full of dollars. – Alphabet Domains
Any day is a good day to buy a domain name. – Alphabet Domains @alphabetdomains
(76 Photos and videos)